May 2024: Work Experience Diaries

In May 2024, we welcomed pupils from Burford School and Didcot Girls’ School for a week of work experience. The students were very interested in all aspects of arts and the theatre and their enthusiasm really showed! Here are the diaries they kept during their time here:

7 – 10 May 2024

Freya/Burford School

My time here at The North Wall, doing work experience, has been great. I was here for a total of 4 days. The staff here were incredibly friendly and really lovely to us. I thoroughly enjoyed being here and finding out about how the theatre works, particularly behind the scenes. I began on Tuesday, where we had an induction and tour, and got to talk to 3 members of staff who work here. Talking to these staff members was absolutely fascinating and really gave me a good perspective on certain careers in theatre. We then got to pick a project to work on, where we had to plan a workshop, imagining that The North Wall would run it. The first day, was really fun and a great welcome to The North Wall. On Wednesday we spent the day planning the workshops, which really helped us develop our organising skills. Thursday was really fun, as we got to work front of house. We welcomed people into the theatre and scanned their tickets, it was really nice getting to grips with that type of responsibility. We then got to watch the band ourselves, which was absolutely fantastic! On our final day (Friday), we wrapped up our projects and watched a ‘sharing’ by the creative makers group. As well as the first 3 meetings on Tuesday, we also met with several others. We had a look at how the lighting is set up, how The North Wall is marketed and all the work put in behind everything. Something I found particularly beneficial was talking to Ria about directing and producing. I have an interest in directing and it was nice to get an idea of what the job entails. What I also really enjoyed was the atmosphere of The North Wall, which was very welcoming and calm, it was really nice to have a look at the exhibition while here. The North Wall often has very unique exhibitions and shows on. I definitely recommend taking part in work experience here, at The North Wall, it’s really exciting and you learn a lot!


Olivia/Didcot Girls’ School

Work experience at The North Wall has been absolutely fantastic. I have only visited The North Wall a few times in the past but being welcomed into the theatre was so lovely. The staff are so positive and kind to be around with such a lovely environment. I came for a 4 day week starting on Tuesday and finishing on the Friday and the past 4 days of work where most definitely amazing . The North Wall is such a lovely place to have done my work experience and I am so glad I got the brilliant opportunity of working here. We started off our week on Tuesday with a welcoming tour around the building and we also met some of the staff who where so kind and inviting. On Wednesday we started by doing some project work and also met with more members of the team and got to know a lot about their jobs and the many different ways people can work in and around theatres. On Thursday we did some ushering on the front of house and welcomed people into the show that was playing on the night which was so much fun and was probably the highlight of the week. We even got to go and watch a part of the show which was so lovely and such an amazing atmosphere!! On the final day of the work experience Friday we did some finishing to our projects and after we finished our projects we viewed the creative makers group on their presentation day and watched them do some of their performing on stage and I even got to help out reading lines towards the end of the acts. My work experience has been an unforgettable time and I would love to come back and do the experience again its such a lovely opportunity for anyone who wants to learn about working in or around the world of theatre and arts!


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