RTYDS: Introduction To Directing

In February 2019, The North Wall and the Regional Theatre Young Director Scheme (RTYDS) ran an Introduction to Directing course for Oxfordshire-based young people who have an interest in directing for the stage.

RTYDS works to support people from under-represented communities to pursue a career in the arts. This course was open to individuals from low income backgrounds, with household incomes of less than £30,000.

This was an opportunity for those considering a career in theatre directing, or already have had some experience but have faced social or financial barriers from pursuing it further.

Led by North Wall Co-Director Ria Parry, the course focused on the skills and resources individuals need to develop their craft. The course also included workshops with visiting directors and professional actors.

Part of the Regional Theatre Young Director Scheme


Lou Lou Curry
Persephone Deacon
Alice Farrell
Karim Khan
Ella Khan
Ruth O’Brien
Rowan Padmore
Sabrina Richmond
Amelia Thornber
Cassandra White


Ria Parry
Sam Potter
Grace Duggan

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