NW Inventors: Making Music Workshop

Join us this half term to explore storytelling through sounds and song. Discover new ways to make music, create rhythm and use soundscapes to shape the way we tell stories.

We aim to create a welcoming and inclusive space for all young people to flourish and work alongside industry professionals.

For ages 8 – 11

Full bursary places available: email Abie Walton on waltona@thenorthwall.com to apply

Please note
We are currently experiencing issues with our online booking service.
If you are unable to book online please email Abie Walton on waltona@thenorthwall.com

NW Inventors: Making Music Workshop

28 October 2024 - 9:00 am
29 October 2024 - 9:00 am
30 October 2024 - 9:00 am

£60 (for 3 half days)

Extra information

Full bursary places available: email Abie Walton on waltona@thenorthwall.com to apply

10% sibling discount available.

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